We are thrilled to announce that we have received funding, along with our partners at Petaltail Ecological Collaborations, to undertake much needed research on the endangered saltmarsh plant the bushy peppercress, Lepidium desvauxii.
This research has been funded through the Coastcare Victoria Community Grant scheme, part of the Department of the Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) of the Victorian State Government.
Bushy peppercress is a rare plant restricted to fragmented coastal wetlands in Victoria; the species is listed under the Flora & Fauna Guarantee Act as Endangered. Currently little is known of the ecology of this species, and there is no Recovery Plan.
The project will investigate the ecology, physiology, and distribution of L. desvauxii in three disjunct populations in Gippsland, Victoria. The project will lead to a greater understanding of this species and its role in the ecosystem and we hope that the results may contribute to the development of a robust Recovery Plan and inform future conservation and restoration actions for this, and other related, species.
This project is kindly supported by the Victorian Government